General presentation
Climats leader
Over 50 years, teams Climats designed and manufacturer test chambers of high technicality. Originally centred on the aeronautical tests, Climats knew how to widen its fields of expertise and adapt itself to multiple fields of application.
Historically attached to the know-how and to the innovation of Climats products, our customers come from domains so varied as automotive, aeronautics, space, electronics, test laboratories, research or Defence.
Subsidiary of the global leader in environmental simulation, Climats is integrated into the Schunk group :
Schunk is a world-wide industrial group, made up of autonomous companies, presents in 29 countries with more than 8000 collaborators for > 980 million euros overturn.
Today, Schunk activities are focused on the following markets :
- carbon technology and ceramics,
- environmental simulation technology and climate technology,
- sintered metal technology and ultrasonic welding technology.
The Schunk Group is a technology leader in these fields.
The Schunk Group is built on the Ludwig Schunk Foundation principles, which are :
- Maintaining independence and sustainable growth
- Acting in the interests of our customers and partners
- Appreciating individuality and respecting diversity
In total adequacy with these values, Climats positions durably as the climatic reference on the national territory and commits to a strong will of expansion on the international level with the assistance of its representatives.
The 6 essential commitments of Climats






Industrial management
The workshop, more than 10 000 m² is located in France near Bordeaux.
This company is consisted of 150 persons including, deseign, manufacturing and sales of environemental chambers.
Climats delivers about 300 environmental test chambers a year, divided of standard chambers and customized chambers.
Climats is organized according to an industrial management of Manufacturing Ressources Planning (MRP2) type and manages its resources with the software SAP.